SΦ12 Reference Ball + Seat + Cover Set


Our international expertise is in manufacturing a one-piece tooling ball to specification.

Quantity: your needs.

Precision: highest tolerances.

Delivery: worldwide on time.

Quality: we are relentless.

History, experience, and competence: While we are the manufacturer of standard tooling balls sold by distributors, we are now in our 34th year of tackling the challenge of precision tooling balls. Callouts for tooling balls are not made casually; the engineer has a reason. We have earned the trust of hundreds of firms in commercial, military, and other government industries/aviation.

Why One-Piece?

Stability: Tooling balls take a lot of pressure; you want one solid piece of steel, not a welded assembly that can break, warp or misalign at the seam.

Concentricity: Only a one-piece construction lends itself to high tolerance and consistency in concentricity. You just can’t get this result with a welded assembly.

What is a tooling ball?

A difficult-to-manufacture component, tooling balls are vital to machine setups and assembly placement. Thousands of hours of alignment and set-up time are saved in the industry every day because of the precision built into the tooling ball and the smart systems that use tooling balls.

What does it take to make tooling balls?

Tooling ball manufacturing is simple but demanding: correct materials, heat treating to the necessary specifications, and precision machining/grinding to achieve exact dimensions, concentricity, and tight tolerances. These are the standards we adhere to in our tooling ball department.


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